Killer Instinct 2 Classic
Frequently asked questions
Is the game available on Game Pass?
Yes, the game is available on Game Pass. On platforms: CONSOLE
Does the game have local cooperative play?
Yes, the game has local cooperative play. With a maximum of 2 players in Xbox One
Does the game have online cooperative play?
Yes, the game has online cooperative play. With a maximum of 2 players in Xbox One
Does the game have multiplayer?
Yes, the game has multiplayer. With a maximum of 2 players in Xbox One
Is the game available on PlayStation?
No, the Killer Instinct 2 Classic game is not available on PlayStation at this time. It is currently only available on Xbox One
Is the game available on Nintendo?
No, the Killer Instinct 2 Classic game is not available on Nintendo at this time. It is currently only available on Xbox One