Mastering the Garden: Advanced Guide on Insect Respawn Rates in Grounded
Welcome, backyard survivors. Today, we’re diving into an aspect of the game Grounded that could be a real game-changer for you veterans: insect respawn rates. Understanding these patterns will not only give you an edge in planning your next adventures but also ensure you’re never short on resources. Get ready to become masters of survival.
Article index
- Why Does Insect Respawn Matter?
- List of Insects and Their Respawn Rates
- Ant Lions:
- Bees:
- Black Ox Beetles:
- Black Widows:
- Bombardeer Beetles:
- Diving Bell Spiders:
- Dust Mites:
- FireFlys:
- Green Shield Bugs:
- Infected Ladybug:
- Infected Weevils:
- Infected Wolf Spiders:
- Ladybirds:
- Ladybugs:
- Moths:
- Mosquitoes:
- Orb Weavers:
- Rolie Polys:
- Scarabs:
- Spiny Water Fleas:
- Stink Bugs:
- Termite King:
- Tiger Mosquitoes:
- Ticks:
- Wasps:
- Wolf Spiders:
- Advanced Gameplay Strategies Using Respawn Rates
Why Does Insect Respawn Matter?
Knowing when those pesky beetles or the precious bee will reappear can make the difference between surviving another day or being overwhelmed by the environment. Whether you need materials for your weapons, armor, or just want to ensure your safety, understanding respawn rates is crucial. It not only guarantees a constant source of materials but is also vital for those of you on the quest for golden tickets.

List of Insects and Their Respawn Rates
Here’s the gold, survivors: a compendium of when to expect each crawling and flying creature in the game.
Ant Lions:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Pit Version: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Roaming: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Black Ox Beetles:
- Above Ground: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Trench: 24Hrs = 1 Day
- Undershed: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Black Widows:
- Everywhere: 168Hrs = 7 Days
Bombardeer Beetles:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Diving Bell Spiders:
- Deep Pond: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Pond: 24Hrs = 1 Day
Dust Mites:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Everywhere: 120Hrs = 5 days (Daytime location: Leaves on the gutter of the house.)
Green Shield Bugs:
- Everywhere: 72Hrs = 3 Days
Infected Ladybug:
In the gas area they usually appear every 24 hours and in other places, such as under the table where the honeycomb is, it is every 3 days. There are also other places that are 3 days away.
- 24Hrs = 1 Day
- 72Hrs = 3 Days
Infected Weevils:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Infected Wolf Spiders:
- Everywhere: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Under Deck: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Everywhere: 96Hrs = 4 Days
- Everywhere: 120Hrs = 5 Days
Orb Weavers:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Rolie Polys:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Grill: 24Hrs = 1 Day
- Sickly: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Everywhere: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Undershed: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Spiny Water Fleas:
- Undershed: 24Hrs = 1 Day
- Upper Pond: 48Hrs = 2 days
Stink Bugs:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Termite King:
- Woodpile: 72Hrs = 3 Days
Tiger Mosquitoes:
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Everywhere: 48Hrs = 2 Days
- Everywhere: 144Hrs = 6 Days
Wolf Spiders:
- Everywhere: 72Hrs = 3 Days
- Wood Pile: 48Hrs = 2 Days
Advanced Gameplay Strategies Using Respawn Rates
Now that you know the secrets behind the respawn of our six-legged friends (and those with fewer or more legs), it’s time for this knowledge to translate into strategy. From planning your resource raids to deciding when it’s safe to venture outside your base, every piece of information is a tool for your survival.
Mastering the knowledge about insect respawn rates in Grounded will put you several steps ahead in your survival game. Do not underestimate the power of being prepared. With this guide in hand, the backyard is yours to dominate.